Graphic Designer

Vector Art
Print & Logo Design
Branding and Messaging
San Francisco, CA

Anna is a San Francisco-based designer working toward her passion in graphic arts and marketing branding. Her interests constantly flows from seeing the organic touch and feel of a sound wave to the rough surfaces of the concrete city.

[My vision of what I can make and build for this world is starting with a piece of paper. It can be any color, any weight, just pleasant enough to the touch that it can become anything and everything in my hands.]

Within the retail industry, Anna loves the drive of a brand bringing the audience closest to what life calls for. From the morning views over the horizon to the relationship built in the evening, there is the encompassing attitude and beauty that comes from forming experiences worth telling stories of. As a future promise to herself, Anna will always find a new space to fill with blooming imagination of color and form, of graphics and crafts meeting, and showing her talent in a uniform design platform.

Get in contact:

linkedin: Anna Hu